The purpose of the Training and Placement is to guide students to choose right career and to give knowledge, skill and aptitude and meet the manpower requirements of the Industry.
The Training and Placement Function at Bharatidasan Engineering College is facilitated by Central Training and Placement Officer as head and the Departmental Training and Placement Officers as coordinators.
The following are to aim to accomplish tasks in every academic year:
To assist students to develop/clarify their academic and career interests, and their short and long-term goals through individual counseling and group sessions.
Maintaining and regularly updating database of students. Maintaining database of companies and establishing strategic links for campus recruitments.
Gathering information about job fairs and all relevant recruitment advertisements.
Coordinating with companies to learn about their requirements and recruitment procedures.
Identifying the needs and expectations of the companies to assist them in recruiting most suitable candidates.
Organizing pre-placement training/workshops/seminarsfor students.
Arranging periodic meetings with Human Resources Departmentof companies and TPO's to promote our institute.
Collecting feedback from employers where our students are selected.
To assist students for industrial training at the end of fourth and sixth semester.
To assist employers to achieve their hiring goals.
To provide resources and activities to facilitate the career planning process.
To act as a link between students, alumni and the employment community.
To assist students in obtaining placement in reputed companies.